In 1986, my daughter began attending the local public high school. She had spent her elementary and junior high school years in a nearby Christian school. We felt that she was mature and ready for an entry into public education. We would be there to support her and provide that safety net that all parents want for their children. I, also, decided to make sure that I knew what was going on and to be an active parent.
Not long after school began, a friend asked me if I would be on the Curriculum Review Committee for the school district. I agreed and was added to a panel of twelve parents and two teachers. We were responsible to review the curriculum for grades K to 12 in the areas of drug education, sex education, and AIDS education. I took a deep breath as the task loomed before me. Remember, this was 1986. I didn’t know a thing about AIDS so I attended a conference in Washington DC put on by The Family Research Council so that I had some background in order to understand the issues and then take it back to the committee.
Fortunately, the majority of the parents were conservative—to the consternation of the two teachers. The teachers union in our district was strong and not happy that we were not bowled over by their objections to our very conservative opinions on the various curricula.
I called various talk shows to represent correctly what we were saying and advocating. I received a phone call one evening that my daughter was at the police station. However, I could see her watching TV in the family room. On another occasion, I got a call from one of the history teachers asking me to come the next day and speak to each of his classes about what was going on. I knew that if I declined, that would be the story so I was there bright and early for the day.
It was a long year and my daughter suffered reprisals from my involvement. Her health was affected and at the end of the year, she transferred to a Christian high school where she thrived.
I had considered running for school board but after she left public education, I knew that my voice would be discounted. However, that began my involvement in politics. I wanted to make a difference and it started in the aftermath of this experience.
I continued to fight the good fight for the next 25 years focusing on the issues of education and life. At times, it was a lonely position, even in my own party, but I know that God gave me the strength to persevere and even have positions of leadership.
I’m prompted to tell this story because of the article written by Matthew Hennessy, Cancel culture is out of control — Gen X is our only hope. As a Baby Boomer, I watch with both horror and disgust at what is happening in our culture today–even the Grammy’s are affected. I agree with Mr. Hennessy that the mantle must be passed to the next generation if we have any hope of saving it for the future. It reminds me of the prophet, Elijah, passing his mantle to his servant, Elisha. I have five granddaughters that are growing up in this crazy world. I have prayed since they were born that they would be young women “for such a time as this.”
This is my hope and prayer for all the Gen X,Y, Z young people:
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen and amen.