My health fails; my spirits droop, yet God remains! He is the strength of my heart; he is mine forever!
Psalm 73:26 (TLB)
The last couple of months have been a challenge for me. I fell last October when I was visiting my grandgirlies. It was so dumb! I was walking around the track to get into the bleachers, watching Tori as she was cheerleading at a football game and I missed seeing a cable stretched across the track. I went flying resulting in a scraped knee and arm. But, you know the first rule is, Do Not Fall! Two months later, pain started running down that leg joined by shoulder pain more recently. So now I’m in physical therapy. But to add insult to injury, I was diagnosed with silent acid reflux resulting in a lifestyle change about what and when I eat and drink. In a few words, none of the fun stuff.
I’ve been having my own personal pity party the last couple of days. I don’t know why I feel like I can complain when I have several friends who are suffering much more than I am. I spent a whole semester, studying the book of Job learning that God had plans for Job, who lost everything, that were for his good, not for ill. He had loss, I’ve had loss. But God revealed Himself to Job and reminded him who was in control. It wasn’t Job and it’s not me.
We are in the Lenten season and many family and friends have given up something for Lent. That practice was not part of my religious heritage but I have been forced, for the sake of my health, to give up some of my favorite foods and activities that I enjoy. My prayer is that I put my confidence and belief in the God who is in control and as part of this season to look to Him to remove the habits and attitudes that need to go. I want to grow during this time and I look forward to the good things He brings my way.
As I was walking Rusty this morning, I noticed so many plants beginning to bloom. Spring is on the way. In the same way, I know that God will bring new life to me as I inhale mercy and exhale grace.