Find rest, O my soul, in God alone: my hope comes from him.
What’s your greatest fear? My counselor must have asked me that dozens of times during the course of my time with her. Depending on the circumstances, some days it was finances, others security. Often it was loneliness. Today, it might be health or lack of it. What is my purpose? I jotted down a sentence recently that started me thinking: Whatever you fear is where you put your hope.
Trusting in my bank account is sure to bring jitters. The rise and fall of the market is enough to cause loss of sleep if you let it be where you put your hope.
Security? Are you like my grandgirlie, Tori, who likes to have all her “peeps” around? Friends and family move. I move. Divorce happens. Illness and death steal away loved ones.
I have been both alone and lonely. Usually it is pretty easy to solve the alone part by picking up the phone and calling a friend to go out to dinner or a movie. But loneliness strikes at our core. Am I loved? Do people even like me? What’s wrong with me?
As a young woman, I never thought about my health. I didn’t have any problems and as typical of that age, I thought I was invincible. Interesting how age changes that perspective. Daily living becomes a challenge when things begin to fall apart. In fact, you can’t even count on tomorrow. I don’t fear death but dying is a little scary.
Fears? Yes. But rather than having them overtake us, cripple or destroy us, turn them over to the One who made us. Jesus is our hope and gives rest to our soul. Lay them at the foot of the cross.
Let the lyrics of a song, In You, by Mercy Me refresh and encourage you:
I put my hope in You
I lay my life in palm of your hand
I’m constantly drawn to You Lord
In ways I cannot comprehend
It’s the Creator calling the created
The Maker beckoning the made
The bride finding what she’s always waited for
When we find ourselves that day
In You where the hungry feast at the table
The blind frozen by colors in view
The lame will dance, They’ll dance for they are able
And the weary find rest
Oh the weary find rest in You
It’s no secret that we don’t belong here
Those set apart by the grace of You
And we look for the day when we go to a place
Where the old becomes brand new