Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”

John 4:13-14 (NLT)


I love sitting in my screened porch, early in the morning during the summer, with my devotionals, Bible, and a hot latte. The fountain, a few feet away, is a gathering place for all the birds to stop by and get a drink of water. I’m not a birder so I have no idea about the various species but they are all colors, sizes, with different voices. Some coo, some hoot, some squawk, some call to others—waiting for a reply. They remind me that God cares for them just as He cares for me.

But this morning, I had a very unhappy bird. Bees had infested the fountain and the only recourse was to drain it until they found another watering hole. That didn’t make one bit of sense to my friendly bird who arrived expecting to drink its fill. It hopped from one side of the top bowl to the other, into the bottom of the bowl, hopped to the bottom bowl, squawking the entire time.

It felt like it was looking right at me, “Where is my water?”

No water. It flew off in disgust, squawking all the way.

Water is life-giving and without it, we would squawk and complain, too. A woman in Samaria met Jesus when she stopped by to get water for the day at the local well. He offered her living water but she didn’t realize she was thirsty for His water. Yes, she was searching for something and discovered that He had what she needed. She believed, drank, and her thirst was quenched. Her excitement was so contagious that many of her neighbors believed the good news when she told them her story and sought time with this Jesus.

Are you irritated, frustrated, depressed, or weary? God offers refreshment to all who turn to Him with water to soothe your heart, soul, and mind.

Drink deeply, my friend.