I was very active in the political arena in California for 25 years before I moved to Arizona nine years ago. I can remember one other day when I felt as low as I feel today and it was the day Bill Clinton beat George HW Bush. I had worked hard on that election and tears dripped down my cheeks as the election returns flashed on the TV screen that night. But the next morning I woke to a fax from Gary Bauer that quoted Winston Churchill saying, “Never, never, never, never give up.” So, I pulled up my big-girl panties and got back into the fight.
Yet, I began to see that politics is not the solution to our problems as a nation. Only God can restore this nation to one of peace, love, and security. It makes me very sad for my granddaughters that this land of America is so different from the one I grew up in. They will be called on to stand up for righteousness in ways that I never encountered. I pray daily the prayer that Mordecai prayed for Esther—strength, courage, and hope—for such a time as this.
But the work is not done for we who believe. The Apostle Paul says, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12 (ESV)
We have our marching orders — praise, patience, and prayer.
May your heart be comforted and encouraged.
Thank you Jerry. I was so discouraged by the news today I didn’t want to read anything about it. Prayer, and patience. . God is in control.
Thanks Gerry, I needed to hear this. Discouragement was overcoming me. You helped me.