We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.
Ebola. Israel. Hamas. Iraq. Ukraine. Crashes. Elections. Obama. Entitlement. Securities. Border.
These are not four letter words but they may cause sleepless nights and fear of the future. Our world is changing and not for the better.
Our pastor prays each Sunday for the elected leaders of our country and state, as commanded — regardless of party or persuasion. But we are headed to a new emphasis on warfare prayer in the sermon series because he is convinced that we need a Third Great Awakening as the only hope for America.
We never know what our day will bring as I found myself sitting several hours in a hospital waiting room with a friend yesterday. Her husband had emergency gall bladder removal surgery. It was a strange feeling to be in the same hospital where I have sat for so many hours at the side of my husband, but this time with someone else. As the doctor explained the results of the surgery to her, he shook my hand, too, and called me “Moral Support.” Isn’t that what we all need these days?
Nothing brings that more clearly to my mind as when I think about my grandgirlies. What kind of a world are they headed into? I pray that they will be strong like Queen Esther for “such a time as this.”
Mark asked me the other day what we could do for the Christians being persecuted in Mosul. Pray. Every day. Fervently. Without ceasing. We need to give moral support to those we encounter every day. Speak up and stand up for what is right.
In so many ways, everything looks hopeless. The one thing I know is that a political solution is not the answer. God works through leaders but it is all His plan and His timetable. He is in control. Be courageous. We know the end of the story, WE WIN.