Just make sure you stay alert. Keep close watch over yourselves. Don’t forget anything of what you’ve seen. Don’t let your heart wander off. Stay vigilant as long as you live. Teach what you’ve seen and heard to your children and grandchildren.
As a little girl, I often sat in the front rows in the huge auditorium of The Church of the Open Door on a Thursday evening listening to Dr. J. Vernon McGee teach the latest segment of his Thru The Bible series. It was not uncommon for him to have a large blackboard situated where he would diagram, define words, or make a special point.
As a result, the themes and subject matter of this semester’s Book of Revelation Bible study are familiar rather than foreign. I certainly am not an expert but it does not scare or frighten me as it does some of my friends. And now as an adult, I’m excited to learn about this important and timely book.
This past weekend, we had the privilege of having Stuart and Jill Briscoe speak at our church’s Mission Conference. These are names I have known since I was young girl. It’s hard to forget the great preacher with the British accent. As an adult, I remember listening to Jill speak at women’s conferences, challenging me as I returned home to seek God in my daily living. I took a brief opportunity to speak to her this week and mentioned my heritage and remembering hearing Stuart all those years ago.
As I returned to my seat, the legacy left to me by my believing parents, the opportunity to hear Godly men and women, the teaching of the importance of the Word of God in my life swept over me with waves of gratitude.
There were times in my life when I resented the legalism that curtailed some of my teenage activities. But, to this day, I know all the verses of most hymns by heart, can recite dozens of Bible verses, and appreciate the habit of church membership—lessons learned that have endured.
As I look forward for my children and grandgirlies, I’m grateful that God has kept them close to Him. My heart’s desire is that they will continue to follow Jesus and remember the Nana that loved and prayed for them, had a passion for right and freedom, encouraged them to be all that God wanted them to be, and believed in HOPE to the end.