Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
“Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you.”
With my latest vision problems, we decided to upgrade my computer to the new 27″ iMac. After a week of making sure all data had been transferred from the old to the new, we took the old one down, cleaned it all up, and listed it on craigslist. We’ve not been very successful at selling things like this but decided to give it a try. I wrote, what I thought was a compelling ad, posted it on a Friday night, and waited.
Nothing…for two days.
Monday morning, the texts and emails began and the race was on. Some were easy to answer because it was simply a question. But finally, a real offer. Back and forth via text. And then another guy entered the fray. Same deal. Waiting…waiting. Ding ding.
I had a feeling about the first offer. I thought it might be a kid and the second from someone older. I wanted to sell it to the second guy but my integrity was at stake and so I chose the first one as his offer came in literally seconds before the other. SOLD. I texted the second guy that he just missed it and he couldn’t believe it.
Several texts throughout the day indicated that my new computer owner was having difficulty making time to pick it up. But, I was unwilling to schedule it to another day. By 9 PM, he still had not arrived and I received a text that he had stopped by Best Buy and bought a new one.
ARGHHHHH. I texted the other offer that the deal had fallen through. I went to bed mumbling and complaining about irresponsibility and choices. But as I lay there, God reminded me that it was not worth worrying about. The money from the sale of the computer was not going to break me and He had given me more important things to do. OK, God.
The next morning, I was up early reading the daily devotion about trust in Jesus Lives. The very last verse on the page was the one at the top of the blog. I laughed out loud, right there in the quiet of my den. And we wonder if God speaks directly to us? The answer is YES!
Ding…ding. A text so early in the morning? It was from the second guy who said he would take it and he wouldn’t back out of the deal. And he did. That day. No questions asked.
I thought I was in control of this little sale. In living color and black and white, God showed me that He was handling it. My part was to be upright and honest in my dealings and not worry about the outcome.
I love it when we see the hand of God working out in our lives. Thank you, Lord.
Eucharisteo. Thanksgiving precedes the miracle.
Good words of wisdom as usual! 🙂