For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19 (NLT)
2012 was a tough year for many reasons and I was glad to ring in the new year. A week into 2013 and I sense that something new is coming.
New…new calendar, new journal, new look in the home accessories, new Bible Study, new devotional. New. Even the journal that I purchased has one of my favorite verses printed on its cover, “For I know the plans I have for you.” What are they, Lord?
I loved reading Jesus Calling last year with its subtitle of Enjoying Peace in His Presence. However, this year I decided to try a different one from Sarah Young entitled, Jesus Today: Experience Hope Through His Presence. As much as I needed His peace last year, I want this year to be filled with hope for new direction, new experiences, new love for family and friends. There is a quote at the beginning of the book that really resonated:
Don’t you know that
day dawns after night,
showers displace
drought, and spring
and summer follow
winter? Then have hope!
Hope forever, for
God will not fail you!
Charles Spurgeon
Are you ready for something new? Is your hope strong and secure in the One who holds your future? Walk with me and let me know what dreams stir in your heart for 2013. We will see what God has planned.