Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning,
for I am trusting you.
Show me where to walk,
for I give myself to you.

Psalm 143: (NLT)

I opened my prayer journal this morning and realized my last entry was almost a month ago. As I wrote my prayer, I listed all that has transpired and realized that although I may have missed meeting God each morning, He has been with me throughout.

The various parts of the month each had its own joy and challenge. The most recent occurred at the end of our trip to Tennessee to visit Mark’s family. We had a great visit with his mom and kids and expected an easy trip home. Wrong. The plane had mechanical issues in Nashville which put us behind for our connection in Atlanta. Now that is one big airport so that by the time we arrived at the gate, the door was closed and the plane pulling away. The next flight was in eight hours.

I cringed at the thought of spending the day in the airport. The Delta agent heard the angst in my voice and offered a room at the adjoining Marriott. We took it and relaxed, napped, watched TV, and ate real food (not airport food) until it was time to go.

I love my new iPhone and spent some of the time surfing the web, reading email, and sending texts in the comfort of our room. However, I received an email from my daughter that caused tears to run down my cheeks by the end of it.

I’ve been planning for a whole year to have all my family here for one more go-for-broke Christmas with all the trimmings. But my plans ran into God’s plans and this won’t be the year for everyone to come.

An aging father, a new grandbaby, and living in two states means I need to bend because people are more important than plans. My sweet daughter very kindly reminded me that “We don’t know the future and don’t know who will be around from year to year, but this year we could be together.” Disappointed? Yes. But I’m grateful for someone who loves me enough to gently point out the obvious. This year it’s not all about me. In fact, it never should be. It’s all about those I love so much.

As I was recounting all of this in my journal, I found myself repeating the phrase, “You are there.” I can count on Him in the day-to-day events of my life–some in joy, others in sorrow, and especially in disappointment. He understands, loves me, and promises His presence.  New plans are in the making and in a way, a weight has been lifted. I know it will be good.
