I, the LORD, am your healer.
Exodus 15:26 (NASB)
It was kind of a good news/bad news kind of day. The good news is that the “lesion” is a benign, common, cartilage cyst in the bone. The bad news is that I have the spine of a 76-year-old woman in the body of a 62-year-old with the accompanying deterioration and pain. I am not surprised since my dad suffers from the same kind of thing. Thankfully, God gives us just enough light for the next step because I have no idea what is down the road.
A friend sent me an email yesterday that encouraged me that God is my true healer. She shared with me what she learned about our Healer from a recent class:
“The Hebrew phrase translated “the LORD who heals” is Yahweh Rophe and reveals God’s ability to restore, to heal, and to cure, not only in the physical sense but also in the moral and spiritual sense. The Hebrew root verb rapha (“to heal”) occurs approximately 70 times in the Old Testament.”
“Trusting God does not mean telling God anything. Trusting means relying on God’s names and then waiting patiently to see what He will accomplish. Remember, TRUST means Total Reliance Under Stress and Trial. Can God heal? Yes. Will He heal? Yes, He is Yahweh Rophe. The Lord is the Great Physician. But how and when will He heal? We cannot presume to know. Watch and wait to see how He heals. And trust your Yahweh Rophe.” Catherine Martin
The definition of trust popped out at me. Stress really shows our true colors and I want mine to always reflect the rainbow colors of His love and promise. I know that God is good all the time.