For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder. And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 (21st Century King James Version)
The changeover began on Friday and the last vestiges of Thanksgiving gave way to my favorite seasonal decorations. I only unpacked a few boxes this year because we will spend Christmas with the grandgirlies and family at Disney World. But, I cannot imagine leaving the house bare of any Christmas whimsy for the month! A few of my favorite pieces placed strategically around the house, accented with red poinsettias on the tables, and scented candles throughout evoke memories of Christmas past and reassure me that Christmas IS coming. I found a Holiday Music XM channel and set the button on my car radio. This week, I will host a table set with my Spode Christmas ware at our church’s Annual Advent Tea. Normally, I like new things but not at this time of year: I joyfully succumb to tradition. I looked up the definition of tradition to see if it would provide a clue to my routine behavior and it did…the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation. So true! Just ask any of my grandgirlies to describe the yuletide traditions of our family and watch her little face light up as she jabbers away. There is security in tradition that gives a peace, happiness, and confidence in an often-unstable world. The terrorist attack this weekend in India proves the point. The ancient prophet’s words comfort us with the wonder and knowledge of the birth of a Baby. Traditions are wonderful and timely, but Jesus, the Prince of Peace, is timeless. In this countdown to the 25th, find a few moments each day to spend time with this Child born in Bethlehem and He will give you peace.