Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things,
which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3
In our current study of Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer, the point comes through loud and clear that we can expect God to speak to us. The Bible records many stories of God speaking to various leaders, prophets, kings, and even a boy, Samuel. However, the thought that He speaks to me is hard to get my head around. The more I read of His promises to speak to me, lead me, and show me what He has in mind, the more encouraged I am to view each day with excitement and anticipation. Reading God’s Word takes on a new dimension when a verse pops out and I know it is just for me. During the sermon today, the pastor read a particular verse and tears suddenly sprang to my eyes. If I had been reading it, the words would have appeared in big bold type but even in hearing it, it seared my heart with sudden clarity. He answered the prayer of my heart and I knew it was truth. So, my dear ones, take heart. Be expectant. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit as He speaks to your heart and soul. You are not alone. He will fight the battle for you. Listen! He speaks…today…to His children.