He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8 (NIV)

Don’t you just love a lazy Saturday? I started the day with an early morning walk with a friend and her dog. Since I am not a dog person, I was amused as I watched this little dog sniff and chase anything that moved. She was ready to take off into the wilds until she reached the end of the leash, which jerked her back into line beside us. My friend explained to me all the potential dangers lurking for her dog to get into and the necessity of watching her closely to save her from her own curiosity. Sound familiar? We are all curious and it starts early as I watch my grandgirlies check out their world. God has given us minds with the capability to question, learn, and reason. We have memory so that consequences have meaning. And, finally, we have free will to choose what we seek out and how we respond to it. Sometimes we make good decisions and other times, we head off in the wrong direction. However, as Christians we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit who helps us make those decisions. It would be so much easier if He would jerk me back into line before I take off on my own way but He is gentle and speaks in a still, small voice to my heart. Part of maturity as a believer is learning to be quiet and listen for His leading. Try an early morning walk through the scripture being open to heavenly direction. It is a perfect way to start the day. Today I got both kinds of exercise…then I made waffles!