So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.

Matthew 14:29 (NLT)

Do you ever really blow it? I mean doing something so bad that you fear that there is no way out? Do you get yourself in situations where you want to do it your way, regardless of the consequences? I know what that feels like. Peter knew, too. He had the faith to get out of the boat in the middle of a storm and walk on the water to join Jesus…until he took his eyes off of him and looked around. At that point, he thought, “This is impossible.” It WAS impossible—but Jesus. But Jesus was not about to let Peter drown and was right there to lift him back into the boat. I take great comfort in the stories of Peter recorded in the Bible. He was an impetuous man but he dearly loved His Savior. Even his lack of faith once he started his walk or his denial in the courtyard after Jesus was arrested did not separate him from the love of his Lord. Shame and forgiveness are part of his story and they can be part of ours. It is all about grace. God loves us when we mess up; in fact, He died for us when we didn’t even care about Him. He does not ask us to clean up our act before we come to him. Instead, He asks us to come to Him with a repentant heart, accept his offer of salvation, and live a life that will glorify Him. He does everything else. So, keep your eyes on Him. He may even take you water-walking.