Just when you think that life is finally moving along smoothly, a bump in the road pops up and we experience a huge jolt. What do you do? We had this happen this week over the Thanksgiving holiday. All the plans and preparations were accomplished with little fuss and praise all around. Then the phone rings and life turns upside down. My 82-year-old mother fell getting out of bed hitting her head on Thanksgiving morning, and ended up having emergency brain surgery. She is holding her own and we have been given hope that she will fully recover. There is no way to prepare for these kinds of happenings. Only God knows what the future holds – for all of us. Trusting God is a daily challenge in both the good times and the bad. Yet, I walk by the stones that I have piled by the side of the road and it reminds me of the times He has met me in the past. I know He is comforting my dad and giving peace to my mother. During this time, our family closes in to support and encourage each other – and we wait. However, our hope is in the One who made us, heals us, and gives us life each day.
I trust in you, O Lord;
I say, ‘You are my God.’
My times are in your hand.
Psalm 31:14,15 (ESV)